Rakka me takkas and riddly me diddlies.
Welcome back, Ike. Farewell, Sly.
This site is hosted in Tasmania, AU, by zerglingman (a fedora.email user), a Van Canto fangirl boy. Also available on matrix as @zergling.man:perthchat.org, or on libera.chat as Zergling_man or fedi (inc. mastodon) as @Zergling_man@birds.garden (and many other places).
But who am I, really?
Who can't figure out how SSL works. I'm working on it. got SSL working, I guess. is figuring this SSL thing out, properly. is thinking about eliminating CAs.
Haha I'm way too lazy for webhosting
Cool games: Fantasy Strike (gone free! Go play it now!), Din's Curse (dirt cheap!), Mechwarrior Online (free!), Wurm Online (free!), Portable Puzzle Collection (free and open source! Also on android!)
Cool bands: Van Canto [bandcamp] (Who this site is a shrine to!), Theocracy [label's bandcamp] (Christian prog metal!), Teramaze [bandcamp] (Australian Christian prog metal! Always releasing!), Takamachi Walk [bandcamp] (Touhou metal! New album out NYE 2021!)
Wisknort. Whisker snot. They changed their website and now it sucks.
By the way, my site's now open source, so you can see exactly how shit I am at this.
- 2022 Nov 18th: It is now a static site, that is why most of it doesn't work currently. I will get to it over time. I don't know why the emoji on the contact page show up as rubbish in some browsers. I do know why they show up on everything instead of only where they're meant to. I'll fix it later.
- 2022 Nov 8th: False alarm, I just needed to restart the DB.
- 2022 Nov 7th: Database access is fucked, I don't know why, but large parts of my site will be inaccessible as a result (including, annoyingly, the contact page). I will probably redo the whole thing as a static site instead of trying to fix it.
- 2022 Apr 5th: I think I've figured out what was causing constant dropouts, uptime should be back to >99%.
- 2022 Mar 27th: Oh yeah I found those other things. One is now at https://rakka.tk/r/support, the other is here
- 2022 Feb 15th: Here are some links for a certain person I was speaking to. Actually a couple of people. Hero BBS, parodying isekai before isekai was big. I still haven't found the other things I mentioned.
- 2022 Feb 9th: Someone discovered that my ftp server was externally accessible and allowed anonymous writes and edits. Unfortunately I am too incompetent to have had it logging properly so I didn't get their IP, sad! Still, I feel special. Now I know I've made it.